Manufactured Home Production and Shipment Growth Continues in February 2024

15,830 Homes Produced Through February 2024

Source: MHI Monthly Economic ReportIn February 2024, 8,347 new manufactured homes were shipped, an increase of  886 homes or 27.2% compared to February 2023. Compared with the same month last year, shipments of single-section and multi section homes were up, by 28.2% and 26.4%, respectively.Total floors shipped in February 2024 were 13,063, an increase of 2,773 floors or in 26.9% compared with the same month last year.

The seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of shipments was 102,386 in February 2024, up 15.2% compared to the adjusted rate of 88,873 in January 2024. The SAAR corrects for normal seasonal variations and projects annual shipments based on the current monthly total.

Cumulative shipments through February this year totaled 15,808 homes compared with 13,497 homes for the same two months of 2023, a net increase of 17.1%.

In February 2024, 8,355 new manufactured homes were produced, an increase of 880 homes or 11.8% compared to January 2024, an increase of 1,778 homes or 27% compared to February 2023. MHI’s Monthly Economic Report includes numbers for both manufactured home production and shipments. The difference between the two is attributed to the number of homes that have been produced, but their destinations are pending,There were no FEMA units produced in February 2024.

The number of plants reporting production in February 2024 was 148 and the number of active corporations was 36, the same number of plants yet one fewer corporation than in the prior month.

The post Manufactured Home Production and Shipment Growth Continues in February 2024 appeared first on Manufactured Homes.

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